Annex C: Summary of Homelessness Strategy Group Terms of Reference
Definition of homelessness
1. Homelessness is referred to here in its broadest sense to encompass anyone who is roofless or without decent, safe, affordable and settled accommodation, who considers themselves to be homeless.
Purpose of the Steering Group
2. The Purpose of the Homelessness Strategy Group (HSG) is to oversee the delivery of the local Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and Action Plan, ensuring it achieves its stated aims and outcomes through the delivery of high quality, appropriate and consistent services which meet the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across the local housing authority area. In order to achieve this the HSG will support and monitor the implementation of the Homelessness Strategy Action Plan (HSAP). The overarching aims and objectives within the terms of reference for this steering groups are as follows:
a) To provide a governance structure to monitor the Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan to ensure they are delivered effectively and within timescale and budget
b) To improve services through sharing knowledge and best practise
c) To create better services and efficiencies through joint working wherever possible
d) Identify gaps in service provision and work to ensure these are addressed
e) Support bids for funding to provide additional assistance wherever possible
f) Develop a greater understanding of housing demand, needs and conditions across the City of York and regionally, to understanding of how this impacts wider strategic issues affecting homelessness and homelessness prevention activities.
g) Responsibility for updating a homelessness strategy action plan, to ensure it remains relevant.
Accountability and decisions
3. The Steering Group will be chaired by the council’s Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Integration whose responsibilities include homelessness. The Group will report through the Chair to the Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities of the City of York and the City’s Place Board.
4. Individual Strategy Group members are responsible for reporting back to their own organisations/ services as required by their own reporting structure and mechanisms.
5. Key decisions will be taken by the City of York Executive or Full Council as required, following recommendations from the HSG through the Chair or delegated member.
6. The Strategy Group will normally recommend decisions by unanimous or majority agreement of members present, providing that the meeting is quorate. Quorate is half of members plus one.
7. Modifications to the strategy or action plan will be made as required due to new research or evidence, new national or local political priorities for tackling homelessness, or the commencement of new legislation that might impact on homelessness levels, causes or activities.
8. Meeting agendas, supporting papers and minutes will be provided through the Chair, unless otherwise agreed. Meetings will be held at a frequency decided by the members, but initially monthly and no less frequently than every three months. Meetings will be hosted at City of York and will be primarily held in person, in York city centre
9. The supporting papers will include a written Strategy Delivery Report from the council’s appointed lead on the Strategy and Action Plan implementation, in a format to be agreed by the group. The report will include:
· Progress and barriers on a highlight and exception basis
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
· Partnership recommendations and asks
10. The agenda for each meeting will normally include:
· Minutes of the previous meeting for approval and signing
· Presentation of the Strategy Delivery Report from the council’s appointed lead
· Reports seeking a decision from the HSG
· Any item which a member of the HSSG wishes included on the agenda, provided it is relevant to the terms of reference of the HSG and notice has been given to the Chair at least ten working days before the meeting